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Chalmers University »»

t2i interaction design LAB »»

We aim to establish new research collaboration between Interaction Design at Computer Science, Chalmers (IDC) and the Innovation Center Virtual Reality (ICVR) (founded Oct. 2004) at ETH-Z, focusing on the optimization of remote work processes. This includes the transfer of meta layer: facial expression, gestures, attention, turn-taking. It also involves gaze awareness, immersion, and presence.

The cooperation for will last for several years. To prepare the cooperation, we now apply for a STINT short term stipend. Within 6-8 months, we foresee a substantial grant application. To prepare this application, we are planning a few visits to work out a common understanding. Joint research will take place in the fields of virtual reality, haptic devices, and production sciences. Teaching will consist of joint international workshops, exchange of lecturers and PhD students.


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