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DCM - The Digital Concept Model


Computer Supported Management of Handdrawn Sketches in Product Design

The research project DCM centered on the management of electronically created and stored hand sketches in the field of product design. Its goal was to extend the data storage paradigm of PLM systems to data generated in the early phases of a design project.

Sketches are drawn in a graphics application and then saved to a database. The saved sketches are also subjected to a geometrical analysis, whose results are added to the dataset in the database. The sketches can be retrieved from the system via several search mechanisms, especially a search by example. To assure wide compatibility and to enhance communication, the chosen data format for the sketches is SVG. The sketching process is based on pen/tablet systems, in order to keep it unencumbered.

The DCM project was funded by ETH Zurich (ETH grant No. TH-26/02-4) as part of a strategic excellence project (SEP).


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